Mental Health Matters     


June/July 2021

Susu Health Foundation™ collaborated with the Healthcare Federation of Liberia's Training and Capacity Building Committee to host a 2-part mental health webinar series open to the public, but designed for optimum member benefit. Both lectures were done by our volunteer and Liberia's own Dr. Samuel Williams MD, MBA, FAPA, child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist and neurologist. Attendees received a certificate of completion for each lecture. 

COVID-19 & Vaccine Awareness Q & A    

June 2021

Susu Health Foundation™ partnered with African Young Dreamers Empowerment Program, Intl (AYDEPI), a Seattle-based organization that provides community health, social services and educational programs targeting African immigrant youth. One of their priorities during the pandemic is to support COVID-19 vaccination and address vaccine hesitancy in the community. Susu's Dr. Gjanje Smith MD, MPH joined members of AYDEPI and One WORD Digital Media in an interactive discussion about COVID-19 and the vacciness.

See the video here.